PostgreSQL 25P02

Current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block. This error occurs when a SQL transaction fails and PostgreSQL ignores any further commands until the transaction is completed.

How It Affects Your App

The impact of PostgreSQL 25P02 IN FAILED SQL TRANSACTION on an application is that the application will not be able to complete the SQL transaction. This can lead to data not being saved or updated, or the application not being able to access the data it needs. This can cause the application to crash or become unresponsive, leading to a poor user experience.

How To Fix

1. Identify the source of the PostgreSQL 25P02 error:The PostgreSQL 25P02 error is a “duplicate key value violates unique constraint” error. This means that a unique value is being inserted into a table that already contains that value. To identify the source of the error, you can use the following code snippet:

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint WHERE conname = '';

2. Fix the source of the PostgreSQL 25P02 error:Once you have identified the source of the error, you can fix it by either deleting the duplicate value or updating the existing value. For example, if you are trying to insert a duplicate value into a table, you can use the following code snippet to delete the duplicate value:


3. Monitor the PostgreSQL database for future errors: To ensure that the PostgreSQL 25P02 error does not occur again, it is important to monitor the database for any future errors. This can be done manually, but it is recommended to use an automated database observability tool. This tool can monitor the database for any errors and alert you when they occur, allowing you to quickly identify and fix the issue.

4. Recommendation to use an automated database observability tool:It is recommended to use an automated database observability tool to monitor and fix the PostgreSQL 25P02 in question. This tool can monitor the database for any errors and alert you when they occur, allowing you to quickly identify and fix the issue. Additionally, the tool can provide insights into the performance of the database, allowing you to optimize it for better performance.

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