MySQL 1165

This error indicates that the MySQL 1165ER_UNUSED3 message is not used. It is an unused error code that is not used in the current version of MySQL.

How It Affects Your App

MySQL 1165 ER_UNUSED3 is an error that occurs when a user attempts to execute a query that is not supported by the server. This error can have a significant impact on an application, as it can prevent the application from executing certain queries. This can lead to unexpected results, as the application may not be able to access the data it needs. Additionally, it can cause the application to crash or become unresponsive, leading to a poor user experience. In order to prevent this error from occurring, developers should ensure that their application is compatible with the server's version of MySQL.

How To Fix

1. Identify the cause of the MySQL 1165 error:
SELECT * FROM table_name;
ERROR 1165 (HY000): Table 'table_name' doesn't exist
2. Create the table in the database:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
3. Check if the table was created successfully:
SELECT * FROM table_name;
4. If the table was created successfully, the query should return an empty result set.5. Use an automated database observability tool to monitor and fix MySQL 1165 errors. Automated database observability tools can detect and alert on MySQL 1165 errors, as well as provide insights into the root cause of the error. This can help to quickly identify and fix the issue, as well as prevent similar errors from occurring in the future.

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